Hello, April!

I have always said that I loved fall most of all…but I do think spring gives fall a real run for its money. I never used to like spring much, yet as I have gotten older, and particularly after I had a little spring baby, I have begun to love it. Maybe even more than fall. But that is a secret between us, ok?

The slight chill in the air and the warm, sunny days give me life, after a long winter of chilling cold, and seeing nothing but gray and white, nothing of color or brightness. Spring truly is a time of renewal and hope. Flowers peeping their little heads up, getting outside and breathing the freshness of the spring air, all the little animals running about busily while birds build their nests. I love to lie in bed in the morning and hear the birds greeting the dawn, to enjoy the chill morning under the quilt with my coffee and my kiddo, knowing that these days will be ending soon so I had better soak them up before the heat and humidity of summer forces me to abandon such cozy pursuits.

Usually around this time of year, I have nurtured little seedlings to plant outside. This year however, our garden plan is much different. This year, we are all about the flowers and trees (and maybe a basil plant and a few tomatoes..but nothing crazy). Our plan includes roses and zinnias and dahlias, and bigger things, like evergreens and birch trees. Why does this feel more like settling in, a sense of permanency in a house I have lived in already over twenty years? Yet it does. The putting down of real roots.

The rains of spring get me down a little, and I have to remind myself that it too has a place, to help all those plants and roots and animals to live. Our roof is a bit leaky though, and I cross my fingers and pray that it can hold out a bit longer and that a small fix will do the trick. It makes me think of that Mary Oliver poem, Making the House Ready for the Lord, although I hope more than anything that there are no small creatures living in my home, as much as I love them( although I might make an exception for a family of rabbits). It is enough that the rain has found its way in.

Dear Lord, I have swept and I have washed but
still nothing is as shining as it should be
for you. Under the sink, for example, is an
uproar of mice — it is the season of their
many children. What shall I do? And under the eaves
and through the walls the squirrels
have gnawed their ragged entrances — but it is the season
when they need shelter, so what shall I do? And
the raccoon limps into the kitchen and opens the cupboard
while the dog snores, the cat hugs the pillow;
what shall I do? Beautiful is the new snow falling
in the yard and the fox who is staring boldly
up the path, to the door. And still I believe you will
come, Lord: you will, when I speak to the fox,
the sparrow, the lost dog, the shivering sea-goose, know
that really I am speaking to you whenever I say,
as I do all morning and afternoon: Come in, Come in.

Wyatt and I have our raincoats hanging on the hooks near the door, bright blue for him, green for me. Billy has a yellow one, but he has not yet brought it out, although he has worn his wellies a few times already. My boots still sit in the closet, waiting for the moment we go for a spring walk together after a rain, or for when I venture out into the yard finally to get it ready for homeschool outside and morning picnics on the grass, which is really clover not much grass. Soon Wyatt and I will be sitting on the porch too in the evenings, watching for Billy to pull up in front of the house after work. I am also looking forward to lighter, easier dinners! I love the comfort food of fall and winter, but by the time spring arrives, I am more than ready for more salads.

My reading too, gets lighter for the most part. I will read the occasional thriller on rainy days or weeks but I find myself reaching more for the fantastic, books filled with magic and whimsy and wonder and romance. I have my starting spring line up of authors and titles all ready!

And phew, that is enough from me! What about you all? How do you feel about spring? What are you looking forward to most?

Hello November!

Ah November. As much as October is the start of cozy season and fall, November is the true start of snuggling down and getting comfortable. There is some sense of rushing about still in October, as we try to soak up all of the nice days as we can while we can, if you live somewhere that has changeable weather. October sun is almost the best sun, there is more of a golden honey warmth to it, a softness, and if you are like me you want to catch all of it that you can. November however, almost gives you permission to stay inside, with its gray skies, rain, much colder temperatures, and sometimes even snow. It invites you to drink your tea, read your book, stay safe and snug and warm. Much like a hobbit in his hole, I like to keep it cozy in November.

After a very busy October, I am looking forward to my November of cozytimes. I have my sewing projects all lined up, waiting to begin – or finish, in the case of my rabbit. I am sort of stuck and need Billy’s help with it so this weekend he is going to help me. He is such a man of many talents! Stef over at Stefmakesallthethings shared some really cool cross stitch designs from Max Pigeon and they are beautiful! I think I want to try one. I love sitting and stitching while listening to a podcast in the winter.

Billy and I also want to experiment with making our own pizzas this fall and winter, like really good pizza. We have been watching the British Baking Show and were inspired by the pizza challenge. I asked Billy to build a brick oven pizza in our yard but he declined for now. I guess we will just start with a pizza stone and our regular ol’ oven. I do want to try to make a cornmeal crust like at Mama Mia’s pizza in Mackinaw City. They used to have the coolest old building, filled with antiques and a museum dedicated to the bridge building and bridge builders – and fantastic pizza. Then that building burned down and they have a new building now and the charm is lost. Billy and I have a tradition of finding a local pizza place on every trip, and Mama Mia’s has always been my favorite. (His is from a pizza place in Savannah, I think the name was Mia’s? Amy’s?)

Our anniversary is this weekend too, and the weather is supposed to be sunny and beautiful, just like on the day we were married 22 years ago. We are leaving little man at my mom’s and heading out for a hike in the woods followed by an adult beverage or two and … tacos. I requested tacos, like good tacos. Real tacos. Jeez, I am all about food this morning!! It will be a nice time, it has been a long while since Billy and I have gone hiking alone.

This month, we also planned a family event with my brother Devin, SIL Chrissy, and niece – we are having a Hobbit day. It is still in the planning stages but we have a rough idea of what we are going to do that day. My favorite part of the plan is the backyard fire and cider in the evening but we have some neat ideas for the rest of the day too. Devin and Mermaid Girl had been reading The Hobbit together and she is a fan. I haven’t read it to Wyatt yet but he will have fun anyway. When I was a kid my cousin Brian and I used to listen to a very short version on book and record – I wonder if I can find something similar for Wyatt? Check out that 1970s goodness there! Apparently I can buy the book and record still but we don’t have a record player.

I will also be preparing for Christmas – I like to be done with my shopping so that in December I can focus on being with family and baking and all that stuff. We already bought tickets for the Holiday Nights at Greenfield Village in December and I like to make sure the month is more relaxed by having the things I can do now ahead of time, (from the comfort of my home since I am an online shopper) done. I have lists made up of who I buy for and some ideas, and already have some things for Wyatt squirreled away.

And speaking of Wyatt – he is a little restless so I am going to end this here!

Hello, March!

I am so excited for March! We are starting it out right too – this morning is Wyatt’s fifth birthday and we went on a little mini-vacation as a family. It’s been almost a year since we traveled anywhere and this little house we are staying in is so charming! Wyatt loves that there is a piano…

Today we plan on doing some hiking and visiting some new nature centers, then following it up with ice cream and dinner out. A great way to begin the month of the worm moon!

Then next weekend we have Wyatt’s family party, which should also be a blast, fingers crossed. And then of course, St. Patrick’s Day too! Our family is super Irish and St. Patrick’s Day is a good excuse to get together and eat food again.

This month is such a hopeful month for me usually – the beginning of spring, and so called the worm moon because this is the month that the little worms in the ground start wiggling their way up to the surface. We are going to start a worm composting farm this month, something I am not super excited about but Billy is. Lol. But it means spring really is on the way, soon we can be outside gardening, and in the sun, enjoying spring blooms after a winter of cold and gray. The birds will all be back, singing and chattering away in the mornings, and we will see the sunshine more. I am going to start all my seeds pretty soon, hopefully when we get home, and see their happy little faces popping up.

We also have a fun month ahead of us in Exploring Nature with Children – we have birds and their nests, spring ponds, spring equinox, and snails all ahead of us this month, and I love all of these things! Wyatt and I jump started our bird week last week, reading about and even making a few birds nests together! We had a blast. Snails should be particularly fun, at least for us, since we do have our own little snail, Sampson.

We have a pretty simple month ahead, but one full of promise of spring. But for now, I am going to go celebrate with my big time five year old!

Hello February!

After what felt like the longest January ever, it is finally February! And it snowed! We have been waiting forever for a real winter walk with gently falling snow and we finally got one. My hair smelled like a cold winter woods, Billy had snow all in his beard and eyelashes and Wyatt’s little cheeks were so rosy. It was a great hike.

I am pretty excited for this month, we have some fun things lined up! Tomorrow we are celebrating Candlemas with my brother, and if I can find beeswax sheets, try our hand at making candles. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner too, with Wyatt’s classroom party and our own family celebrations. And I think Billy and I might go out on a date night too! It’s been a minute since we have done that. Wyatt is also having a little party with his cousin’s, thrown by cousin at his house. I think it will be the start of a fun new tradition. So lots of Valentine’s love happening around here!

Then later this month my brother is having our whole family over for a UK themed potluck dinner. We all have to pick a traditional dish from somewhere in the UK (England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) and bring it. I can’t tell you how super excited I am about this! Our ancestry is heavily from the UK (my DNA test came back roughly 90% from these four countries, with the most being Irish) I am second and third generation American on all sides, so we grew up eating a lot of traditional English food. I remember the first time I cut Wyatt’s toast into strips and called them soldiers, my husband was so confused! My mom always cut my toast into soldiers so that is what I called them too – I didn’t know that this was not a universal term. I am probably not taking toast to the dinner though. I am considering Cullen Skink just because I like saying the name. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else brings as well. It should be a fun event, one to look forward to in this sometimes dreary month. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I should take, I would love to hear them!

We are also going to be talking a lot together this month about snow, worms, and evergreens as part of our Exploring Nature with Children curriculum, although I am considering saving worms for next month, when it will be the worm moon. If I do skip it, I might focus on squirrels and possums, both of which live around our house. We have been having a great time this year, learning together with this program.

We will also be continuing work on my office. This room has long been neglected and we really need to get it done and make it useful. January was super busy but this month we are going to be ants instead of grasshoppers and work on some home projects. Billy and I have a tendency to adventure more than work on things, but sometimes you have to just do them. Lol. I am also going to try my hand at embroidery this month! I have been on a crafting binge lately, trying all different sorts and having fun with them all. I have never been great at sewing though, so fingers crossed for me!

How about you guys? Any big plans for the month?