My Sunday-Monday Post

My Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date

Hello everyone! We had a pretty quiet week around here – which I greatly appreciated honestly. We need these quiet weeks from time to time!

Despite having a fairly slow week, I didn’t read that much! I have too many books that I want to read and now I am bouncing all over because I can’t choose which one to start with!

I did read one book though. Dandelion Cottage.

I am really into reading these old-fashioned vintage books right now, and this one was a great find. It is set in the upper peninsula of Michigan, and is based on the real life hometown of the author Carroll Watson Rankin. Dandelion Cottage is a real place that tourists can visit too! I was in Marquette a few years ago and I would have visited had I known about this cottage then.

I also started a slow read, inspired by Katherine of I Wish I Lived in a Library. She has a book she is reading from just twenty minutes a day, and I started doing that with this next book.

At the Pond is a collection of essays about the Hampstead Ladies’ Pond, and is divided into sections by season. I have to be honest, to me these women are so brave to wild swim like this in a pond. I am so afraid to swim in anything that is not a pool and swimming in a pond like this in the winter is so courageous! The essays I have read talk about how they feel invincible after a lap or two in the freezing wild water and if I were to ever get the gumption to do that, I would probably feel the same way.

This week I have a few books I am considering (that whole can’t choose and settle down thing).

I just want to read them all simultaneously.

Posted Last Week:

Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Had Very Strong Emotions About

Coffee Catch Up


Billy and I are also hopping all over with our tv watching. We are usually binge watchers but we have been skipping around lately. We have been watching The Brokenwood Mysteries (0ne of my faves!), When Calls the Heart, The Great British Sewing Bee, and Palm Royale. I absolutely loved the first season of the Great British Sewing Bee, it was just so wholesome and cozy.

And that is it from my little corner of the internet this morning! I hope you are all doing great!

26 thoughts on “My Sunday-Monday Post

  1. I have been having a hard time deciding what audiobook to read next. I will start one and then not be happy with it but will continue because I don’t want to pick again! I have to find The Great British Sewing Bee, I am super curious!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think I have the Riley Sager book on hold. I have been struggling with the book I’m reading, but I realized it was because I thought it was an anthology when it’s a real book book! I hope that makes sense.

    I have been wanting to watch the Great British Sewing Bee, but I can’t seem to find it. Have you watched the Great Pottery Throw Down? We really liked that. And, you can’t go wrong with the British Bake Off, either! What do you think of Palm Royale?

    Have a wonderful week doing whatever you decide to do, Erin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that is the one I am going to try first. And it does!

      Billy can find things. I am not sure of his magic. And yes! We love that too, especially since Billy’s mom is a potter.

      I like Palm Royale for the visuals but I have such a hard time since I don’t really like Maxine too much?


  3. I’ve struggled with what I want to read this summer. I thought I’d just read some light books, but they aren’t working for me. I hope I can settle into something soon. Dandelion Cottage looks exactly like something I’d enjoy reading!

    I must see if I can find The Great British Sewing Bee. I need to share it with a couple of people I know who love to sew.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dandelion Cottage looks darling as does At the Pond. I love doing a slow read! It makes for such a nice break in my day and I really look forward to picking it up. I’m with you on not swimming in ponds. I’ll swim in pools or the Gulf if it’s clear enough but nowhere where I can’t see the bottom. We are going to the beach next month and I’m a bit hesitant with all the shark attacks that have been happening. I might be ankle deep only! I hope you’re having a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dandelion Cottage was so cute. It was just a very sweet kids book. I am enjoying my slow read of At the Pond.

      And ugh! There is a part in At the Pond where they talk about all that is under them that the swimmers can’t see, but the lifeguards can. It was very upsetting to me!! Eek.

      My dad is vacationing in Destin right now! I told him to not go in the water and stay by the pool.


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