Thursday Morning Coffee Catch Up -Pink Moon and Skin Care

Hello everyone! I am already on my second cup of coffee, it has been that sort of a morning.

We have been going hard at life these days. We have so much going on, on top of our regular life things, and we have been constantly working or cleaning or planning or organizing or making life fun for the littles in our life (NEVER a chore but sometimes it is work lol) and we haven’t had a lot of down time for ourselves. So we need to rectify that. I plan on calling my mother-in-law today and setting up a time for her to watch Wyatt so Billy and I can get out for a bit together.

We had Mermaid Girl over the night to celebrate the Pink Moon, and we had so much fun! We had pink pancakes with whipped cream and twisty bacon for dinner – and the two kids ate so much bacon it was crazy! They barely touched their pancakes, but devoured a pound of bacon between the two of them. I guess they both really liked it! Then for dessert we of course had pink cupcakes, and they also really liked those.

Mermaid Girl loves the stories that are part of the Kids Moon Club. Every month there is a different adventure story, and it has places where you insert the names of your children into the story. I started making peg people for the story, and Mermaid Girl loves them. When she comes in, she instantly scopes out the table to look for the new character. This time I had the new character done, plus a Wyatt and Mermaid Girl peg doll. We usually read the story after dinner, and the kids color. This time Mermaid Girl played with the dolls while I read, which brought a smile to my face. I make them because I know they make her happy, which in turn makes me happy.

After the story, it was time to pull out the big project of the night, the fairy houses! The day before Wyatt and I had gone shopping for the houses and for the items to decorate the houses which we found either at the dollar store or at Michael’s, and Wyatt chose everything for their creation. When I pulled them out to paint and decorate the kids were very excited. Wyatt had been asking for two days to paint his, so I knew he was happy. They did such a nice job, and took it very seriously. I also had other little things for them to paint while I used the hair dryer to dry the paint of the houses, since that had to dry before they could decorate. No sense in sitting around waiting for paint to dry when a hair dryer can do the work for you!

Devin, Chrissy, and baby girl came over a little early to pick up Mermaid Girl so we could hang out a bit with them as well. Baby girl is walking so good and getting into all the mischief. It was such a fun night and Wyatt had so much fun with his cousin.

The last few days I have been spending an absurd amount of time reading about skin cycling, which sounds like it is out of a futuristic sci-fi novel but really just means switching up your skin care routine at night, and what should be done each night. For those who are curious – it is exfoliate night 1, retinol night 2, then nights 3 and 4 hyaluronic acid. And of course on all of the nights cleanse and moisturize. I never really had a skin care routine before so this is so complicated for me. I even had to purchase a few of these items. Oh! I also had to buy toner, as I didn’t have that either, and apparently that is necessary in the mornings. (mornings – cleanse, vitamin c, hyaluronic acid, moisturizer, and SPF) I am going to give this a whirl – I am going all in! If I find something I don’t like or my skin doesn’t like I will add or subtract here or there, but for now, this is what I am going to do. It will be so different for me! I will probably switch up my moisturizer soon, but this is what I am using currently and have been for a while. I have also used Mad Hippie and Good Molecules brands in the past and I stuck with them for now. If I like this routine I might search around for something different but for now, I am staying with these brands. I would love to hear about any products you love, or what your skin care routine is. Until now, my routine has been very minimalistic!

Amazon Affiliate Links

Derma-E || Hyaluronic Acid || Retinol Night Oil || Sheer Tint Sun Serum || Toner with Vitamin C || Cleanser

And now, some randoms from the camera roll!

And that is it from me today! I hope you all have a wonderful day, and that no matter what you do, you do something that makes you smile.

7 thoughts on “Thursday Morning Coffee Catch Up -Pink Moon and Skin Care

  1. It is always a nice feeling to feel like things are being accomplished, but also important to take time for yourselves! My hubby and I have been reluctant to leave Henry with anyone, including family, but as he gets older, it is going to be harder to fit in things we need to do while he’s at daycare/school, so we’ll need to let go a little bit!

    I don’t have a skincare routine other than washing my face in the morning and at night and using sunscreen, but now that I’m 40, I feel like I will probably need to change that soon. I’d love to hear how your new routine goes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Billy and I usually almost never ever leave Wyatt, so I totally get it. Lol. It’s hard!! We have been averaging about one “date night” a year these days and that needs to change. Lol.

      That is my current routine lol, but with moisturizer at night. I am going for a giant change so we will see!!


  2. Geez, I really, really want to be your niece!! I used to make people out of paper and pipe cleaners. I’d also make them different clothes to put on…remember, I’m old enough to have played with paper dolls! Those fairy houses are so charming and wonderful. Wyatt did an awesome job picking things!

    OK, so I really like The Ordinary for almost all my skin care. It’s so inexpensive and can be found at Ulta and probably other places. I haven’t heard of this skin cycling so I’m going to have to see what you think of it. I use hyaluronic every day and night as well as a retinol of some kind every night. I think I may have hide for skin, though, as nothing ever tingles! 

    Have a fabulous rest of the week, Erin!


    1. Lol!! She knows I will do whatever she wants. She has my number. And how fun and imaginative – even back then you were interested in fashion!

      He had so much fun picking out the supplies. I am such a dork for not having him help with that part before. Lol.

      I looked at The Ordinary!! I was looking for something inexpensive since I am new to this whole thing and this will be a pretty big routine change so I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to commit. Is retinol supposed to tingle? That is good to know!

      Thanks Marsha, you too!


  3. Joanne

    My boys would happily devour a pound of bacon or two if I let them too- most times when we have it I limit them to just 3 slices but if it’s a birthday/holiday/special occasion, etc. I let them have it– as long as they start with just a few and let everyone else get a slice or two as well! LOL We’ll have to try that twisty bacon. 

    That whole pink moon night sounds like so much fun!


  4. We are cleaning and tidying up here too. I am so glad you got to go out for a bit and had so much fun with the Pink Moon celebration. Pancakes for dinner! I would have loved that. Everything looks fantastic, the dolls, cupcakes and the house. Love the photo collage! Have a lovely weekend!



  5. Pingback: My Sunday-Monday Post – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

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