Spooky Creepy Dark and Twisty: My Autumn Podcast Playlist

Who else is ready for spooky season? This post has become one of my favorite yearly traditions on the blog! I listen to so many podcasts, and so many of them are on the spooky side! The podcasts I have listed in previous years have tended to be more true crime with some spooky – this year, maybe just one does both spooky and true crime?

I am all about the ghosts and cryptids this year. I find the lore of cryptids fascinating! My favorite cryptid to read about or listen to pods about is the Jersey Devil. I can just imagine the long dark nights when stories like this were born, can’t you? People huddled together inside around a fire, gossiping about the neighbors, telling some crazy tales.

These are my current listens – and since I like to set a mood, I like to have a warm beverage close at hand, maybe a soft blanket, and bonus points if it is stormy or rainy day, but that is not necessity. Be careful about turning the lights down too low though….you never know what is lurking in the shadows, as these tales might make you think!

Sinisterhood: I literally laugh out loud listening to this one. Christie and Heather are hysterical together! I love their vibe. I have only listened to their episodes that are about ghosts or haunting or cyptids, things like that, none of their true crime episodes, but I am sure they are just as well researched as the paranormal episodes, especially since Heather is a licensed attorney. My favorite episodes so far: The Nain Rouge (A Detroit Episode!!) and The Stanley Hotel (I will always love a good Stanley Hotel pod, and this one is awesome)

The Midnight Library: This podcast is a whole experience! I was listening the other night before bed and I didn’t want to stop. It is pure entertainment! From their website:

Proudly brought to you by the fine folks at the Astonishing Legends Podcast – Not just another show but a place you can go: The Midnight Library. You alone, can climb the stairs of the strange, old Victorian mansion and be somewhat welcomed by your Hosts, Miranda Merrick & Mr. Darling. Curl up in a window seat or beside the grand fireplace and hear a tale of times long ago. Be transported to forgotten lands, learn about ancient customs and mysterious happenings… all in the company of your unusual hosts in their unique setting. Just stay in the cordoned off areas, and you should be fine…

My favorite episode so far: Gargoyles (and now I want to take the Gargoyles tour of Pittsburgh!)

Old Gods of Appalachia: This is another podcast that is a immersive and dramatic. It draws on folk tales and tales of the supernatural for inspiration, and is all original fiction, which is brought to life by a spectacular cast. My cousin introduced me to this one and I am very thankful! My cousin actually had tickets to see them perform in person but they were flooded out. (I think that was the reason at least!) If you want to be swallowed up by a story, give this one a shot! Favorite episode so far: Hmm, too hard to choose!!!

The Night Owl: Ok, so I mentioned this one last year but I still love it to pieces and wait anxiously every month for a new episode. Yep, this podcast releases one episode a month – but the production quality and research that go into each episode are worth the wait. It is so well done! Each episode or haunt is treated so thoughtfully and carefully by Stephen and his team, and it is evident in every moment of the podcast. My favorite episodes so far: The Pioneer Farms episodes

Ghost Tales by the Fireside: Ooo this one is delightful and absolutely perfect on those rainy fall days. It is THE podcast to snuggle up under the covers, sip some tea, light a fire if that is something you can do, and just listen. It is exactly how you imagine a ghost tale should be told, hushed and quiet. My favorite episode so far: Ghosts of Ipsley

If you interested in my previous lists you can find them here: 2022,  20212020

2 thoughts on “Spooky Creepy Dark and Twisty: My Autumn Podcast Playlist

  1. Erin, are other people having problems commenting on your site? I can’t comment tonight. But, all week long, I was getting other people’s comments on your posts I hadn’t read yet. It’s been weird. Maybe Mercury is in retrograde!

    Anyway, I don’t know that I’ve ever listened to a podcast. I’m a dinosaur, I know. But, I love anything about the Stanley Hotel so I might just have to add to my vices! Do you scare yourself silly, though, listening to these?



  2. Pingback: My Sunday-Monday Post! – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

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