Galentine’s Day Gift Ideas

February can feel so gray and dreary and long, especially if you are in a northern state, and Valentine’s Day is like the pink and red burst of cheer right in the middle. Like a rainbow on a rainy day, it makes what could be a gloomy day, happy!

Now, we don’t go crazy for Valentine’s Day. Just little things to make each other smile, maybe a special breakfast with the boy (I am thinking waffle hearts this year!), a fancy dessert at dinner, but just something to make the day a good one.

This year, I don’t even have to buy Valentine’s stuff for Wyatt’s class and teachers and other staff, since I am homeschooling. We did buy Valentine’s for him to give to his cousins and also his friend Eloise; he is super into painting right now, and he picked out Valentine’s that included a little tray of watercolor paints. They are super cute and I know he is excited to hand them out. Then I started wondering just what I was going to get Billy, and my friends this year too for Galentine’s Day. I don’t usually get them anything, but I would not have made it through this year without them! And we could all use a pick me up, especially now! So during quiet time today, I did a little online window shopping and found some super cute things for less than twenty dollars each!

Sterling Silver Strawberry Earrings || Pink Princess Philodendron Pin || Scrunchie || Otter Enamel Pin

I guess I was really thinking pink when I was looking! I am in love with all of these honestly. Those little strawberry stud earrings make me think of the 80s and summertime, but in a more grown up way. And I am all about enamel pins right now – they are so shiny and colorful! I love the Pink Princess Philodendron pin, because we are all of a sudden plant people, and even a cutting for one of those plants is like $300! Then these lovely soft scrunchies! The one that says “You’re like REALLY pretty” cracks me up. My niece bought me a Christmas scrunchie from her Secret Santa at school last year, and I love it for showering on days when I am skipping my hair. And finally, these super adorable otters! I love that otters hold hands when sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other.

Be the Sunshine Enamel Pin || Rainbow Planters || Pinky Promise Tee || Variegated String of Hearts || How to be a Wildflower

Ok, I told you I am obsessed with little enamel pins right now – and that Be the Sunshine is so perfect. Sometimes we have to be the light that we are looking for. The rainbow planters are just adorable, and would look so happy with a cute little succulent hanging out in it on a desk or counter. That pinky promise tee is adorable as well – it makes me think of all the crazy conversations and laughs I have had with my crew over the years. And that plant!! If you are a plant person, you know. A variegated string of hearts! What! It is so pretty and I love it.. Finally, Katie Daisy’s book, How to be a Wildflower. I have this book and I love it. It is an inspiration and a spark of whimsy and color and cheer when you need it.

I am missing my friends like crazy this year! We were supposed to take a girls trip to Mackinac/Mission Point this fall that has been postponed, our monthly book clubs, our nights out, lunches, brunches. Just hanging out in each other’s houses! We have zoom calls now, but hopefully when the weather breaks we will be able to get together again at least in backyards. For now I see them from six feet apart and for as long as we can stand the cold or virtually through a screen. Hopefully one day soon we will be out again together!

12 thoughts on “Galentine’s Day Gift Ideas

  1. Pingback: Caffeinated Reviewer | Sunday Post #457 Cake

  2. Pingback: My Sunday-Monday Post – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

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