Thursday Morning/Afternoon Coffee Catch Up

Hi everyone!! It’s been hot as blazes around here lately! Summer has arrived with a fury apparently, and I am not ready.

My heart and prayers go out to all of those who have been affected by the tornadoes; the loss of lives and devastation they are leaving behind is heartbreaking.

Things have been chaotic around here. We have two huge projects going on right now, in addition to our normal life stuff, and on top of that, Wyatt is still not tolerating his medication and we spend the first four hours of the day with a kiddo who is very nauseated and vomiting. We have been in contact with all of his doctors though, and there is a plan. It is just going to take time and use the process of elimination to see which medicine in the culprit. In the meantime, Wyatt and I have been spending a lot of time on the couch or in the bedroom in the mornings – most of the time with him resting his head on me and me just being a momma, trying to help my kiddo the best I can.

As for our projects, we are in the process of starting our cub scout troop and at the same time Billy is building Wyatt’s wheelchair ramp on the weekends and evenings. It is all sort of triggering me as I am used to my routine and with everything in a kerfuffle all the time I have to take lots of deep breaths, drink lots of tea, and find time to decompress (usually at night watching a show with Billy).

Let’s talk about the wheelchair ramp project first~ the window into a door. This felt so meaningful to me, as Wyatt has had a lifetime of windows and no doors. Now, with this door, he will be gaining independence and freedom of movement out of the house, under his own power. Or he will once the ramp is done. But this is the first step and to me it felt so huge.

Wyatt helped us pick the door, and I love it. I love the wavy weird glass ~ it casts beautiful rainbows on the hallway floor in the evening, and it feels sort of cozy when you are in the room, despite the gigantic mess of debris and my possessions pushed to one side of the office. It will be even better once the office is put to rights, which should be soon – after Billy finishes the trim, plasters, and paints… lol. Luna my leopard gecko will be happy once Billy is finished in there as well. Her little quiet peaceful world has been full of activity and even worse, loud noises and she does not like it. Her tank is just too big and heavy to move; Harlow, my pictus gecko I was able to relocate, but Luna had to stay. Miso will be happy too when the room is back to normal, as she likes to nap in the rays of afternoon sun in there and she hasn’t been able to.

The second project is one I am spearheading, the Cub Scouts! Billy is going to be the Cub Master, and I am the Pack Committee Chair, which is a fancy way to say that I do all the paperwork and behind the scenes administration. The other night I had a meeting with the vestry at my church to ask them to be our Chartering Organization (every pack/troop has to have one) and while I was quite nervous as I am quite shy in person, it went very well. They happily agreed and they are even donating to the pack to get the kids off to a good start. I am super excited.

Tonight we have a local art exhibition to attend! I submitted some of Billy’s tiny little “nature under glass” creations to an art exhibit made for it ~ Pocket Sized. It’s in the evening and Wyatt should have rallied by then, and it will be good to get him out of the house for an hour. Plus it’ll be nice for him to see the artwork, especially since he is a little artist himself. You will be able to view the exhibit online, starting tomorrow (I think)!

So it’s a bit wild around here right now! Hopefully we get some relief for my kiddo, that is the biggest concern right now for me. I did surprise him with something he has been wanting though – an aquarium. We got a little surprise insurance check refund and he has been asking and I thought this kid has to lay around for 4-5 hours a day right now, he might as well have something pretty and calming and something he wanted right? I will 100% be the person caring for it and that is fine, especially when it makes my kiddo smile like this.

And now some random photos…

And I forgot to tell you about my dad’s birthday!! I will do a mini post tomorrow for that. 🙂 Have a good one everyone.

11 thoughts on “Thursday Morning/Afternoon Coffee Catch Up

  1. Hopefully, you will soon get some answers for Wyatt…I hate to vomit. Your doctors seems to be very good at listening. I hope the mess is soon cleared up so you can return to your normal routine. I know I don’t like the midst of DIY projects, but I do love the outcomes. Wyatt has very good taste! That door is really cool, and I love that it casts rainbows on the floor. How long will it take Billy to build the ramp?

    Billy really is a Renaissance guy, isn’t he? Those little art creations are amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ugh me too. I feel so terrible for him. I am hoping that this new plan works. He is so full of life and loud and animated so when he doesn’t feel good it is such a stark contrast and I hate it so much for him.

      I know right! I love the outcome but the disorder during is hard to manage. Lol. Lol! We gave him a few doors to choose from and he chose the one that I wanted…what a good son. Lol.

      If he had unlimited time, it would probably take a week or so. He and a former neighbor of ours are going to take a few days off a work and commit that time to building it, so I think maybe a 3 weeks. That is my guess. We will see.

      Billy seriously can do just about anything. It is amazing. He can cook and bake and sew and create art and build a new bathroom and kitchen and fix your computer…it is wild to me that he is so talented.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. EsmeSalon

    Hope that your kiddo will be fine soon, never fun to have a sick kid or grandkid.

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  3. Joanne

    Aw, I am so sorry to read that his new meds are making him sick! Poor kiddo. I love the new door; I bet it is so exciting (and living in a house that was always under construction I definitely get the annoyance factor too but just try to remember it will be worth it in the end). That art show sounds like a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see what kind of fish you pick out for the new aquarium.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s been rough for him and it breaks my heart to see him go through it almost every morning.

      The construction is very exciting, although ugh the mess. LOL. It will definitely be so worth it when it is done and Wyatt can get in and out on his own. 🙂

      The art show was really neat! And we have a snail in our tank right now while we wait for the water to get to the right levels to add a fish. Wyatt has been enjoying watching it, and named it Sunny since it is yellow.


  4. Our eldest son and his family live near Temple, TX which is where two tornados did damage a few days ago. They finally got power back. Their home and all three cars have damage.
    Yesterday, my husband and I took them all the food we had in the freezer and most of what we had in the pantry. Stores have reopened in the areas but all of their foods in the refrigerated sections are ruined. The stores that reopened are mobbed with people. We live in Fort Worth, it’s a two-hour drive.

    We are so glad the family is okay. Their pets are okay.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my gosh. I am so glad to hear that your son and his family were safe despite the damage! These tornadoes are awful. I see the stories every night and I am praying these storms end soon. I am glad that you were able to help. It has to be so devastating to see.


  5. Fingers crossed that the answers come soon and that the nausea can be dealt with. It’s no fun. I know you’ll be so glad when the construction is finished and even more excited to have the new door. How exciting and I love Wyatt’s taste in doors!


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