Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl!

This week’s prompt is:

 Authors I’d Love a New Book From (These could be authors that have passed away, who have retired from writing, who have inexplicably gone quiet, or who might jut not be able to keep up with how quickly you read their books!)

So some of these writers just don’t write as fast as I can read them, although they are pretty quick and prolific. I just want them to churn them out I guess! Karen White, I am waiting for your next book in the Royal Street series! I feel like it has been forever! Although, it really hasn’t been that long. Not as long as I waited for Emily Croy Barker’s next book however! I read The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Real Magic in 2013 and loved it so much, then I had to wait 8 years until the next book came out! Now I don’t even remember too much about the first one, and it is such a chunky book that I am not sure I can read it all over again. So I haven’t gotten to the second one. It just took too long. Lydia Kang is not too bad, but the wait always feels immense and I love her books, especially A Beautiful Poison, which is my favorite by her. The same for Shea Ernshaw and Erin A. Craig – they actually write fairly quickly but if they could release books as quickly as Stephen King that would be great. Kate Racculia, she is sort of dragging her feet on another book. I read Tuesday Mooney back in 2019 and am patiently waiting for another. Obviously though life can get in the way of writing. I know that Sarah Addison Allen took a long time off after her mother got sick, and so I often think about that when I am waiting for a new book by a favorite author to come out, that maybe there is something going on in their life. Jane Johnson is a new to me author, and The White Hare was one of my very favorite books in 2022. I can’t wait for another book by her to come out, and I am hoping it is one that is similar to The White Hare. Her writing actually reminds of the authors I am about to talk about, Barbara Michaels and Mary Stewart.

Barbara Michaels and Mary Stewart are two writers who have passed but I would love to read a new book by them. Their books are huge comfort reads for me, and my copies are very well loved. I just love their slight romance, the folklore and history, the gothicness of them. (is that a word?) I can just about always pick one of their books up and read it, and it is sad to think there will never be a new one. They were both very prolific in life though, so I am lucky to have a wealth of their books to read!

29 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday!

  1. Since I love both Mary Stewart and Barbara Michaels I am adding The White Hare to my TBR. Sarah Addison Allen is one of my favorites and definitely someone I want to write faster! I don’t know some of these but need to try them.

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  2. I used to be obsessed with Sarah Addison Allen’s books! I didn’t know she was taking time off to take care of her mom. It’s true, we don’t always know what’s going on in an author’s personal life. They deserve our patience and understanding for waiting on their books.


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