Sunday-Monday Post

My Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a nice weekend! We celebrated my dad’s birthday today and it was the perfect weather for him – sunny and in the 80s!

Read Last Week:

It’s been a little rough around here lately; Wyatt has not been tolerating some of his epilepsy medicine very well and it has been rocky. This book was perfect for winding down with. It felt less fluffy than other cozies, and I loved Oliver the corgi. I want one so bad but our life is not conducive to a dog right now so I have to live vicariously through books and tv.

Reading This Week:

I started listening to this book last year and I enjoyed it so much that I decided I wanted to read the print version instead. I am super weird, I know. Then I never got to it. Well, Billy just listened to it and wants me to finish it so we can talk about it, which I am happy to do.

Posted Last Week:

Top Ten Tuesday – Quotes

Coffee Catch Up

In Our Homeschool


Billy and I have been watching When Calls the Heart – I still have lots of thoughts about this whole situation with Elizabeth. Hmmph. We are also watching the newest season of the Brokenwood Mysteries. It is such a good show.

And that is that from here today! I hope you are all doing something that makes you smile!

16 thoughts on “Sunday-Monday Post

  1. Kathy Martin

    I hope Wyatt has a better week. There is a difference between listening and reading. There are some books I prefer to hear and others I prefer to read with my eyes. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tweetybugshouse

    my son and i watch when calls the heart and we always scream when she almost kisses whoever her love interest is and she gets interrupted. Its a fun show to watch. I hope next week is better for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry things have been rocky there. I have been reading lighter books lately to cope with the craziness of the world. Murder Barks Twice sounds delightful. I am in the mood for a mystery right now. Maybe I will be able to find it or one of the other mysteries folks have been recommending lately.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that is one reason I like to read fantasy and middle grade and magical realism. I need my books to have less reality. Some middle grades can be rough though lol, and I do think they have their place in helping kids to process big events and emotions. I try to avoid those though. LOL.

      Murder Barks Twice was so cute. I definitely recommend it as an escape!


  4. I’m so glad you found the right book for a rough week. That helps so much. Happy birthday to your dad! Looks like a gorgeous day! As someone who trains dogs for a living – trust me you don’t want a corgi. They’re bred to herd cattle so they are tenancious, stubborn, and bossy. They’re a lot of fun but they are rarely easy dogs to work with. I hope you’re having a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Katherine! This nausea is awful!

      And thank you!

      I did not know you trained dogs for a living! And lol!!! I had no idea they were so temperamental! They do look pretty stubborn. They just have that look. They are just so darn cute! I wish we could get a dog but with Wyatt and his hospital visits it is just not feasible right now. We need pets that don’t necessarily need us to be around and someone can just run in and feed as needed. 😦 Maybe one day! I would really like another setter. We had an English Setter named Penny who was the biggest cuddlebug pushover in the house, but very active outdoors. Or a Golden. They are just so beautiful and sweet.


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