Book Haul!

Lately I have been adding books to our home library left and right! Used book sales, used bookstores, a bunch I bought at independent bookstore day, a free one from the doctor’s office, a free book from The Good and the Beautiful, and of course books I bought from Amazon – and one book that I got as a gift for Mother’s Day from Billy and Wyatt. I don’t usually buy books too often, we are huge library users, so this has been a lot of fun, splurging on books here and there.

Let’s start with the books for Wyatt, and then we will move on to my much smaller pile for myself.

As you can see, he was a very happy helper.

Magic by the Lake by Edward Eager || The Moffats by Eleanor Estes || The Secret Door by Jenny Phillips Key to the Treasure by Peggy Parish

We have slowly been collecting the Edward Eager books, as well as books by Eleanor Estes. I have been on the lookout for Carol Ryrie Brink books (besides Caddie Woodlawn) and I can’t find them anywhere for a reasonable price, so if you see them, let me know! I also have been on the lookout for vintage Nancy Drew because Lisa is collecting them.

Wyatt also chose:

Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry || Old Wolf by Avi (if there is a wolf, Wyatt has to have it) Half Magic by Edward Eager || The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

And then a new one that I surprised him with, because it reminded me of Watership Down a bit. He is not ready for Watership Down and I thought this one would be fun to read with him instead.

The Remarkable Rescue at Milkweed Meadow by Elaine Dimopoulos

He made my heart glad that he also really loved the map at the beginning of the book. I love a map in a book too!

And now it is my turn!

What Lives in the Woods by Lindsay Currie || At the Pond || Wolfsong by TJ Klune

Gladwynn Grant Takes Center Stage by Lisa Howeler || The Darling Buds of May by H.E. Bates || The Phantom of Pine Hill by Carolyn Keene

And looky there, a vintage Nancy Drew! After looking for weeks, I found some! I was so excited when I found them on Independent Bookstore Day. I texted Lisa and asked her if she wanted me to pick a few out for her and she immediately sent money via PayPal. Lol. And since I was grabbing a few for her, I picked one out for myself. This cover would never fly these days. It is so weird to see these types of things now that we know better!

And finally, my Mother’s Day book! I probably told Billy a million times that I wanted this copy of Watership Down, and he very sweetly listened. I have begun collecting different versions and this one is just so pretty to me! I love it!

And my wild book shopping spree is over for a little bit- I have enough to read for a long while!

18 thoughts on “Book Haul!

  1. I started loving Edward Eager books when I was just a kid. I read every one I found on the library shelf, one at a time. When I read them all, I went back and read them again. My favorite will always be Half Magic.

    My fourth-grade teacher loved horses. That was my year of Marguerite Henry stories.

    It was my own son that talked me into reading The Phantom Tollbooth. It’s now on my list of favorite reads!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved reading all this Deb! I have actually never read the Edward Eager books or The Phantom Tollbooth!! The Phantom Tollbooth is one for school next year, as part of the language arts curriculum I bought. I am looking forward to it!


  2. Pingback: Sunday-Monday Post – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

  3. I love all of these and I love that I have connections with someone in a big city to hunt down Nancy Drew for me. *wink*

    I can not believe that I posted my Sunday Bookends today and forgot to mention the Nancy Drew and Bobbsey Twins you picked up for me.

    I am going to write down all those books you and Wyatt picked out.

    We really enjoyed The Phantom Tollbooth and Misty in this house. One I read with my son and the other with my daughter. Guess who was who. 😉


  4. Yay for a book haul and for Wyatt’s happy face! That’s a gorgeous cover on Watership Downs and Nancy Drew is a favorite. I always loved the covers on the original books and still do. Enjoy your reading!


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