My Sort of Old Fashioned, Vintage-ish Gift Guide for Kids

I feel like the holidays sort of snuck up on me this year. How is Thanksgiving next week already? I am so so behind. More behind than I have been in years. Maybe you are too? I am also thinking so much about how to make the holidays more simple, with more emphasis on toys and things that last, that encourage not just play but creativity, learning, and exploration. I put together a few ideas here on this list, if you are interested! Some of these are actual items I plan on buying, some are suggestions or items that just made it to my list because they are so wholesome! They are all just in random order but I love them all, and they do vary in price, from more affordable to a bit more of a splurge.

This list does contain affiliate links.

Owl Lovey – Ok, so I know said no particular order but I did list this owl first because I personally am in love with it. I just love how soft and floofy it looks!

Deer Soft One Activity Book – This is absolutely an item on my list, for tiny Bebe. It is just so sweet and I love that it is interactive. It crinkles, it folds out, it has a mirror, it is just a super fun little thing for sweet little babies.

Nature Foraging Bag for Children – Does anyone else have very full pockets when they take their kids and grandkids or any kid outside? Rocks, leaves, acorns, chestnuts, sticks…this adorable handmade bag will give them something to fill on their to keep their treasures with them.

Four in a Row Game – A non-plastic version of the popular game we all know! I love the gentle colors and the price is right!

Knot Tying Kit – I just thought this was so cool. It says it can be played like a game, and has 48 cards and enough line for two to play. It has instructions for knots that are useful for camping, boating, fishing, etc. I can just see a little Billy playing with this as a kid.

Morse Code Light – Just another nifty item I thought would be cool. And even better would be to buy two and let your kids/their friends/cousins send messages to each other!

Wooden Castle Building Blocks – Wyatt has a huge set of blocks like this that he LOVES building and playing with. I need to get him the next two items to go with it….

Starry Night and Thoughtful Dragon – I mean every castle needs a knight – and a friendly dragon too!

Crochet Stuffie – So I always include something like this in my lists, because we got one for Wyatt when he was like 2, and he still LOVES his Henry something fierce. Wyatt has a crochet badger (Henry) and woe to us if he gets lost. This Etsy shops has tons to choose from, but I thought the deer was just so adorable.

Hearth Song Tea Set – I have looked at this tea set for so many years online. I have never bought it but it just seems so darn cute!! I can’t get over all the little whimsical woodland creatures. I would have totally dug this as a little kid. Contains a party for 4!

Ikea Flisat Dollhouse – I love the sturdy simplicity of this toy. It can be decorated to any child’s desire, and it would be fun to do as a project, or you can leave it as is. It is just perfect.

And finally, the last items on my list!

Bird Building Blocks – These are a keeper. Let them play now, then store as an heirloom, they are that gorgeous. They are all handmade here in the USA, and it says at least 12 master craftspeople inspect all six sides of every block, and in a very cool Art Nouveau style.

Forest Friends Rollers – For that hands on kid, who loves playdough, salt dough creations, and stamping. There are a few different sets available, but I chose forest friends for this guide. All of them are cute though! That little snail, be still my heart.

I hope that I was able to give you some ideas!! I am pretty sure those rollers are going to end up in someone’s stocking this year, along with that little knight at dragon. And of course as I said, I am getting tiny Bebe that adorable little book!


12 thoughts on “My Sort of Old Fashioned, Vintage-ish Gift Guide for Kids

  1. How I wish I had a little one to buy these for! My grands are all at the age where it’s clothes or electronics. I usually end up giving them cash which lights up their eyes, but it’s nowhere near as much fun as finding them the perfect gift. I wish we were neighbors because I have gobs of small fabric market bag kinds of bags that come with my April Cornell orders.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Erin!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: My Sunday-Monday Post – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

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