My Sunday-Monday Post

My Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date

Hello everyone!! Last week was a weird week around here – some school, some doctor visits, and a field trip with my dad to an Immersive Van Gogh experience. It was sort of crazy!

Read Last Week:

I can’t tell you how much I love this book. It was powerful, impactful, thought provoking, and kept me on the edge of my seat at times. It made me feel so many different emotions as well, and I think particularly as a Michigander who literally was just in this same area of Michigan just a few weeks ago, a lot of it hit me hard. It was an amazing read, and I already know it will be one of my favorite books that I have read this year. I hope to have my full review up on Wednesday!

Reading This Week:

The weather has turned, at least for now, and I am snuggling in at night with cozy mysteries by Amanda Flower. I already started Murders and Metaphors and will start Put Out to Pasture when I finish.

Posted Last Week:

Homeschool: First Week Back, Sunflowers, and Buckeyes

Comfy Cozy Cinema: Fantastic Mr. Fox

Comfy Cozy Cinema: The Secret World of Arrietty

A Cute Little Cottagecore Autumn Halloween

Watching and Listening:

I feel like we watched so much last week! It must be that it is getting darker earlier these days. We have passed the point this year where I live where the sun won’t be out past 8pm anymore for a few months, which is crazy. I’ve been putting on my favorite pajama pants and climbing in bed a bit earlier, and I am not ashamed. Lol.

Last week we watched quite a mixture. We watched Hotel Portofino, When Calls the Heart, Death in Paradise, and last night we started Dark Winds. We weren’t sure what to expect from it but we were silent and glued to the screen the whole time, it was that riveting and good. It is pretty intense already and we are one whole episode in.

We also watched Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Secret World of Arrietty as part of our Comfy Cozy Cinema movie watching with Lisa at Boondock Ramblings. I love both of these movies and they were such cozy movies to curl up to. These are the movies we are watching (with some break weeks here and there, which I will announce beforehand) if anyone else is interested in watching along as well! Our next movie is African Queen, and we usually post on Thursdays!

As for listening, I’ve been listening to a lot of spooky podcasts but mostly The Midnight Library, which is fabulous!!

And that’s about it from around this here pumpkin patch! How are you all doing?

12 thoughts on “My Sunday-Monday Post

  1. I forgot to mention we had watched Dark Winds too. That first episode was really good. The Boy found season one on HBO Max so we will be watching that later in the week, probably. I totally forgot about watching The African Queen. I’m really looking forward to it!


  2. I’m delighted to see how much you loved Warrior Girl Unearthed. I will be watching for your full review. I enjoyed Boulley’s first book so much and I was happy to pick up a copy of Warrior Girl at the library conference last year—but I still haven’t gotten around to reading it.

    I love the idea of your Comfy Cozy Cinema list. I may be joining you from the sidelines in your event. (Also, if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend Enchanted April for a future Comfy Cozy Cinema list.)


  3. I need to catch up on Hotel Portofino before the new season kicks in. I’m still catching up on Grantchester. But really into Unforgotten and the new Professor T episodes. We’re ready to start season three of Only Murders, too, and I am caught up with Chelsea Detective.


  4. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    It does feel like a time of change with the weather. The shorter days, cooling off quickly, feels transitional. I guess that’s appropriate with fall landing on Wednesday. I’ll have to look up Dark Winds.


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