My Sunday-Monday Post!

My Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date

Hello everyone! Last week was our first week back to (home)school and it was a really good, productive week. Wyatt enjoyed it, I enjoyed it – it was a nice ease back into the school year kind of week.

Read Last Week:

I had plans to read a different book this week, but I was still lingering in the world of Tom Lake and wasn’t ready for another big read. So I read this one, which is an old favorite. It’s a good time of year to revisit Barbara Michaels!

Reading This Week:

Ok, I said this last week but I mean it this week.

Posted Last Week:

Tuesday Morning Coffee Catch Up

Book Reviews: Tom Lake

Comfy Cozy Cinema: The Shop Around the Corner

Spooky, Creepy, Dark and Twisty: My Autumn Podcast Playlist

Watching and Listening:

Well, you know what I am listening to – spooky podcasts! Also Lord Huron, I tend to listen to a lot of Lord Huron in the fall.

As for watching, Billy and I are sort of all over the place. We watched Hotel Portofino last week, Death in Paradise, Newhart in the early evenings with Wyatt, and I have also been watching Grimm. It’s been so long since I watched it. Monroe is still my favorite character.

Lisa from Boondock Ramblings and I have started our fall movie watches too. We were hoping for cozy type movies, with some getting a little more scary as we get closer to Halloween. We started out with The Shop Around the Corner, and then this weekend we had a double feature – The Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Secret World of Arrietty. Our posts on those two will be up this week!

And that is about it from around here today! How are you all doing?

31 thoughts on “My Sunday-Monday Post!

  1. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Nice to hear back to school went well! I do feel like reading things spooky this time of year, but never thought of a spooky podcast. That does sound fun. I have Tom Lake on request at my library. Sounds like you enjoyed it.

    Have a wonderful week, Erin! 🙂


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