Tuesday Morning Coffee Catch Up

Hello everyone! Another early morning over here…. Wyatt sure is an early bird. I mean, I am a morning person, but he is a different story altogether. Billy and I try to prolong getting up as long as we can but eventually we have to get up because Wyatt is up and at ’em in full force. Thank goodness for coffee!!!

Wyatt and I were obviously over the moon to get out and do something last week after weeks of being stuck at home. I mean, really, this summer has been a weird one, between the weather, the air quality, Wyatt’s allergies, and his bite/cellulitis/antibiotic issues. So getting out to the library was like a dream come true and we took full advantage of our time out, and got a little silly on the porch taking photos. Wyatt is such a ham, and loves his picture taken. I am not as thrilled but, for my kiddo, of course I will. We picked up a ton of books and even saw our tiny art on display!

Billy’s isopod is in the front row, while the paintings by Wyatt and I ended up in the back row…hmm. I love his sun and moon painting! My snail is pretty sad, but we had a really good time painting these together a few Saturdays ago. There are some really cool paintings actually, and I plan on going back and taking some more photos. I thought this idea was so cute.

I’ve been happily busy working on our school year plans! And extremely thankful for my electric hole punch, and that my husband works at an industrial printer who prints all the curriculum for me every year. My little bit is a drop in the bucket of what they print every week but it is always so nice of them to make time in their day for it. I very contentedly punched holes and organized and put it all in binders the other day. Then I was able to flip through and make plans for field trips and different studies and readings to go along with what he is going to be learning this year. (I posted a bit back what we are using this year if you are interested) We are still going to be filling in with Traveling the States from The Waldock Way as well, as we didn’t quite finish them all yet! We will actually begin the year with Ohio, our neighbor to the south, move into Pennsylvania, and then New York, as we read Paddle-to-the-Sea.

Speaking of Ohio, we took a road trip to a wildlife refuge over the weekend that was so much fun. I am going to do a whole post on it since I took a billion photos and videos, and feel like I have a lot to share about the day.

And now, just some random photos from the week – Wyatt is back on the bike, we have apples (and some are turning red!), Miso likes to random pose for me, the cucumbers and nasturtiums are going wild, the canopy is still up, and my neighbor cat wants some pets.

We have cooler temps and good air quality right now, and it feels like fall and it is marvelous around here. I wish you all a great day!

9 thoughts on “Tuesday Morning Coffee Catch Up

  1. Your library porch is such a beautiful spot! Back in my hometown, there was a lumber baron (well, he owned the lumber mill). He had a beautiful home with a carriage house and another gorgeous home. I’m not sure of the history, but the home and carriage house were bought by a family and turned into a funeral home decades ago (maybe close to 100 years by now). The other gorgeous brick house was turned into the public library because the lumber guy loved books. It was my home away from home. It had a gorgeous fireplace with ornate carvings. You had to go up stairs or down stairs depending on if you wanted the children’s library or the adult’s library. I’ll bet you can guess where this is going. Eventually, the town decided a larger library was needed so they built one quite a bit out of town. I’m sure it was difficult for people who were used to walking there. The old library sat there for a couple of years before the town auctioned it off. Some unknown person bought it…some unknown person related to the family with the funeral home. They promptly tore it down and, literally, turned it into a parking lot!

    Anyhoo…there is really nothing like the start of a new year. I always find myself quite nostalgic this time of year and think, for a very brief moment, about subbing. Two of my grands go back to school Wednesday. My youngest will go a week from Wednesday.

    Have a fabulous rest of the week, Erin and Wyatt!


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    1. I love our library. It is really beautiful. It is an old house as well, and then when they needed to modernize they just added a building on. I love going from the 60s/70s building to the old library part. I did a post a few years ago about it – https://crackercrumblife.com/2021/07/22/hometown-views-the-library/

      That is such a shame about your old library!! Stories like that make me so sad.

      If you ever make it to Michigan, there is a restaurant in Detroit called The Whitney. It is beautiful and is the former home of an old lumber baron. And…the bar is supposed to be haunted!!

      Awwww!! I could see you feeling that way!! I get excited about it and I was never a teacher! And wow, they start early!!


  2. I love the photos of you and Wyatt, there’s so much love in them!

    I like both of your paintings and I don’t think your snail is sad at all, I actually love it. So much better than I could have done.

    Today’s temp. is cooler than it has been and I’m loving it.

    The cat looks like my Boots.


  3. So much good here in your post! Wyatt’s bike looks really cool! You and Wyatt are both beautiful, as is your family’s artwork. I am not artistic at all! But I can get behind some binders and hole punches. 🙂 There was a lot about my old job that I disliked but I loved starting a new project and putting all my organizational skills to work. I would have volunteered for that part because I enjoyed it so much, but don’t tell my old boss that!


  4. Love the pictures and am a bit jealous that you can get pictures of your kid willingly! I normally have to go with bribery. Sounds like a fun trip to the library even though you and Wyatt ended up in the back row! I’m glad Wyatt is feeling so much better and you’re able to get back to normal activities!

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