My Sunday-Monday Post

My Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date

Hi all! Last week was all appointments and appointment follow ups, phone calls, phone calls and more phones calls. However, I did get a lot done and I feel like we have a new, good plan for Wyatt that all his doctors are aware of and working toward. So, I feel like it was also a very successful week too, which made all the talking on the phone worth it (hopefully!)

This week Wyatt and I go to music camp! We leave tomorrow morning and I have an Airbnb all reserved for us – I have a feeling we are both going to get back to the house tomorrow night and want to just veg after a big, awesome day. We will be home Wednesday night, and while I am anxious because that is who I am, I am also very excited for Wyatt, since he is going to love this!

Read Last Week:

I read two whole books last week! First, The Shop on Royal Street by Karen White. I absolutely loved this book and when it ended I was so frustrated that I didn’t have the next book in the series right on hand so I could start it immediately. Lol. I have a hold at the library but it looks like it won’t be in before I leave for music camp, so I will have to wait just a little bit longer! I read it fast, but not as quickly as I read The Villa by Rachel Hawkins! The Villa was a fast read, one I couldn’t put down. It was a crazy ride and I loved it, although it was very tense and heavy in parts honestly. I felt sort of sad after I finished just because the material was sort of intense. It was really good though, and I read it all in one day. I would love to stay in an Italian Villa for a summer but maybe not one like this one…

Reading This Week:

This week I need something a little bit lighter, especially after reading The Villa. I am reading an ARC of Lisa’s newest book, a cozy mystery called Gladwynn Grant Gets Her Footing, which comes out July 18th! I am also starting Dial A for Aunties.

Posted Last Week:

Dream Night at the Detroit Zoo

Strawberry Moon Party

The Spring of Cary Grant: Notorious

Stephen King Summertime Reads

10 on the 10th – June (and Weddings!)

Watching and Listening:

Billy and I have been rewatching Death in Paradise, starting over at Season 1 again. We also started a BBC show Full Steam Ahead, which about “golden age of steam” and “how Victorian railways created modern Britain.” We love the team of Ruth, Peter, and Alex and watch pretty much anything we find that they have done, including rewatching all the farm series shows many times. We were just saying the other night while watching how cool it would be to hang out with them and have a chat over drinks and talk about history. You can find them on YouTube right now. We are still also watching Newhart here and there.

As for listening, I started a new audiobook, Billy Summers by Stephen King, but it is not a true Stephen King book. I mean it is, but it is not a horror book per se, more of an action-crime type one that doesn’t interest me. So I returned it and I am looking for something else to listen to.

And that is that for today! I hope you all have a good week!

21 thoughts on “My Sunday-Monday Post

  1. I’m glad you liked The Villa. I didn’t realize it takes place in an Italian villa. Still, it’s probably too scary for me.

    Dial A for Aunties looks delightful. I’ll be eager to hear what you think.

    Enjoy your time with Wyatt at music camp. It sounds wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is nice when all the doctors are on board. I feel like a holistic approach is so important. I’ve had that with my mom where not everyone is always on the same page, so when they are it’s nice!

    I was curious about The Villa since I really liked Reckless girls.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope you and Wyatt have a fabulous time at music camp! That sounds like so much fun. I hope you do a blog post about it. Oh, my gosh! I loved Dial A for Aunties! I think there are a couple of sequels! We just started Based on a True Story with Kaley Cuoco. All Mike can talk about is the color of her hair…men! Have a wonderful time at music camp and the rest of the week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. joyweesemoll

    Music camp sounds amazing. I love Death in Paradise. We’ll have to look into Full Steam Ahead. Thanks for mentioning that it is on YouTube — I wouldn’t have thought to look there.

    Liked by 1 person

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