My Sunday-Monday Post

My Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date

Hello everyone! This past week was a pretty darn good week. It was a good mix of busy and slow, which was nice. We are about to have two pretty busy weeks in a row so this calm before the storm was welcome.

I was also totally wrapped up in the book I was reading! Last week I couldn’t settle, but I guess I hadn’t picked up the exact right book. That book ended up being Riley Sagar’s The Last Lie I Told, which was fantastic. I am late to the party on reading Sagar and at least now I have a bunch of his books to read!

I LOVED this book and could not put it down. I can’t wait to read another of his books.

Reading This Week:

This week Billy and I will be taking turns going to Wyatt’s different programs at music camp, and so when it is not my turn to be with him, I will be sitting in the lobby reading this book. I started it over the weekend and so far it is funny and lighthearted. I hope I continue to like it! Maybe I should take another book or two as well, just in case.

Posted Last Week:

Top Ten Tuesday – Bookish Wishes

Wednesday Coffee Catch Up

My Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag


Our evenings have been very full lately, and instead of watching a tv show at night we have just been enjoying some YouTube favorites. Lots of Alexis Dahl , a Michigan YouTuber who vlogs about Michigan history and science which we find fascinating (I believe Katja told me about her!). We have also been watching The Unexpected Gypsy, who is an artist with great personal style (braids and overalls, my fave), and The Rambling Rose, another artist.

So, not a super lot to report here this week! I hope you all are doing well!

32 thoughts on “My Sunday-Monday Post

  1. It’s great to discover a new author you like and then to discover the author has already written several other books.

    I’ve been taking a look at Poetry in America on PBS. It’s not my husband’s thing so I’ve had to sneak it in when he is giving faceting lessons.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those books look very good.

    It will be good to take a few books with you – or a library – in case you don’t like one or the other. 😉

    I need to try some of those YouTubers. I’ve watched Rambling Rose before but need to get back to her!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am determined to make it to the actual library this week. I’ll check out the Riley Sager selection there. They have mysteries in their own section which I think is weird.

    We are watching Under the Bridge which is scarily accurate because girls are mean. We have binged it, and we will finish it tomorrow. I am curious to see how it ends.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I remember when summers meant my daughter went to music camp. When she was younger we had to drive her the bus about 25 miles every day. The camp was only 30 miles. It didn’t seem worth the effort so about half way through the week, we shifted to driving her to camp ourselves. It was a lot of driving for that week.

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  5. I’m so glad to see how much you enjoyed the Riley Sager. I’m on hold for a couple of his books and can’t wait. It’s so good to really get into a book after a bit of a slump and I hope this week was full of good reading.

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