Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated New Releases During the Second Half of 2024

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hello everyone!! This week’s top ten Tuesday is all about which books I am most excited about that release in this second half of the year.

Somewhere Beyond the Sea || A Witch’s Guide to Magical Innkeeping

These are probably the two books I am the most excited about. I loved The House in the Cerulean Sea, and I loved The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches so these two cannot come out soon enough for me!

The Life Impossible || The Spellshop

I don’t have to wait too much long for The Spellshop, which this cover oh my gosh. I want to live in that house! I am hoping to read this one and The Honey Witch around the same time. The Life Impossible comes out in September and it just sounds so amazing. I am all about settings and the setting for this book gives me all the feels.

The Healing Season of Pottery || We’ll Prescribe You a Cat

Don’t these sound wonderful! I am all about Asian fiction right now, and both of these sound just so calm and like a warm safe place to visit. I can’t wait to curl up with both of these during the cold months.

The Teller of Small Fortunes || The Full Moon Coffee

And more books with cats on the cover! These two both have such a whimsy to them and I am all about whimsy. And cats. And coffee. And probably cozy little traveling caravans! I am so excited!

And that’s it. I can’t get to ten, although I am sure that after visiting everyone’s blogs today I will find quite a few more to add to this list!

48 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated New Releases During the Second Half of 2024

  1. Exciting picks for the second half of the year! I’m especially looking forward to “Somewhere Beyond the Sea” and “A Witch’s Guide to Magical Innkeeping” too. “The Spellshop” and “The Life Impossible” sound fantastic, and I love the cozy vibes of “The Healing Season of Pottery” and “We’ll Prescribe You a Cat.” Whimsical reads with cats and coffee? Count me in! Can’t wait to see what everyone else is excited about.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Somewhere Beyond the Sea and A Witch’s Guide to Magical Innkeeping made my list too! I didn’t know about The Spellshop but that cover is gorgeous and it also sounds like such a lovely read. Hope you’ll love all of these!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders

    Enjoying your cat theme in these anticipated releases haha I added The Teller of Small Fortunes to my tbr, it sounds SO cute!!


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  5. These all look wonderful! I just added The Teller of Small Fortunes to my TBR as well as essentially all the Asian fiction – especially We’ll Subscribe You a Cat. I’m so excited about Magical Innkeeping. I loved the first book!


  6. This is such a cool list! I haven’t heard of so many of these, but I’m really intrigued by lots of them and want to add a bunch to my TBR. I’m especially interested in The Life Impossible and The Spell Shop. I don’t think I’ve read much Japanese fiction, but I think it might be time to start.


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