Camp RicStar – Part Two

Yesterday I left off with the end of Day One at Camp – however, our day was hardly over and we (me really) still had far to go.

We left camp exhausted and ready to get to the house I had rented on VRBO and just relax. I had picked this house because it’s main selling point that they advertised was that it was CLEAN, and the yard looked fantastic – big and grass neatly mowed perfect for playing in, and bonus, was handicap accessible. However, when I arrived, I was instantly taken aback. It looked abandoned and sad and uncared for. I pulled into the driveway, left Wyatt in the locked car, and surveyed the yard, which was like overgrown field. I went up the uneven wheelchair ramp, and the door we were supposed to use was covered in some indeterminate substance and looked absolutely filthy. I just could not deal at this point in time because…. Billy had also called me and had been to urgent care and was probably heading to the hospital. I was literally at my emotional edge. I looked at my child in the car, decided I didn’t want to even go into the house at all, because either I left him alone in an unknown neighborhood in the car (and for some reason I kept thinking about Cujo), or went through the whole process of getting him and his wheelchair into the house to maybe just have to leave anyway. So I went back to car and immediately made hotel reservations. We ended up 2 minutes from the music hall, at the Towneplace Suites by Marriot. I am such a rental house person that it has been forever since I was in a hotel, and this one was like a godsend. It was sparkling clean in our room, spacious, quiet, and even had a kitchen. I think it is probably a business traveler hotel but Wyatt and I were there too, and it was perfect. Comfortable, safe, clean. I could not recommend that hotel more.

Later that night I did get a call from Billy – he was going to the ER. Hours and hours later, we finally learned what was going on with him. A kidney stone! I had been a ball of nerves because I was so far away, so his mom was checking in on him, which made me feel better. However, this also meant he would not be making it up to Lansing to meet us the next night as planned. As long as he was feeling better, we could all deal- well the adults at least. Wyatt really missed his dad which is understandable, and was just another part of Wyatt’s emotional state while we were there.

The morning of Day Two arrived and I felt like I had been through the wars already. But we packed up and headed out, although luckily we got to spend more time sitting around first, and I could have coffee.

Day Two was much like Day One. Wyatt had his good moments, and not as good feeling moments. But he was growing and stretching and that was good. We were both out of our comfort zones and it does you good sometimes to step outside those. I ended up leaving with Wyatt an hour early, he was just so fatigued I couldn’t bear to ask him to go much longer. I talked to the director, and we decided that Wyatt and I would arrive the next day in the afternoon, for rehearsal for the big performance and then the performance.

Wyatt and I spent some quality time playing and reading in the hotel, and then we both went to bed early. I was asleep by 9:15! The next morning we had a leisurely breakfast, got ready slowly, and after a fake nap from Wyatt which I had been hoping for a real one, we headed to the music hall.

Wyatt rocked rehearsal. Like nailed it. He did awesome and amazing. However, once Billy and his parents arrived, that was over. He was done. He didn’t want to participate in camp, and didn’t want to sing in the concert. He ended up going up for his group’s turn but halfway through the song, just sobbed. Yep, my kid was the crier in the concert. After his group was done, I walked straight outside and sobbed myself. It was a long three days, stressful at times, fun at times, highly emotional for us both. But we did it, we made it, and we grew from it, because Wyatt has been a nonstop chatter machine since we got home. Music stimulates all areas of the brain, and I can see how this intensive therapy really seemed to light a fire in him that I haven’t seen for a while. He is curious, mischievous, exploring, and is just using so many words!! I really do attribute this to our time at camp!

As for Billy, he is doing better. He is not back to normal yet and won’t be until that kidney stone is gone, but at least we know the issue and have a plan and things are feeling less painful for him.

And today, it is Friday, thank goodness. Pizza, movies, and then some relaxing family time this weekend as well.

I would definitely recommend this camp or music therapy to anyone thinking about either. Despite our struggles, it was a growing experience for Wyatt, that pushed him in good ways, and I feel that I have seen some very positive gains even from our short stint!

15 thoughts on “Camp RicStar – Part Two

  1. Even if it didn’t go exactly as planned and there were stressful moments, the camp sounds like it was a wonderful opportunity for Wyatt! I am so sorry about that VRBO – how terrible of those people. But, I’m glad you were able to find an alternative quickly and easily.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Holy moley, Erin! You have been through it this year! We don’t usually do AirBnBs for that exact reason although we have never been burned by any we’ve stayed in. I’m glad you were able to get a hotel room (I hope you get some kind of refund for the other, though).

    I honestly cannot imagine your emotions that day…Billy at the ER, a spooky house, and poor worn out Wyatt (not to mention poor worn out you). I don’t know how you didn’t just howl with frustration. You have such patience!

    I’m glad Wyatt grew from this experience even if he didn’t quite make it through the performance. It’s one thing to hear you’re going to be in front of people, but it’s an entirely different animal when you actually are.

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Seriously!! Lol. We did end up getting a partial refund which is better than nothing. It was better to be safe than sorry!

      I was totally a woman on the edge. LOL. I didn’t fully relax until the next day in the evening, after camp. Then I just “Let it Go” myself! We bought a bunch of fun junk food, had a gummi bears and book party, watched a bunch of YouTube, and just relaxed.

      He definitely grew from it, and growing pains are tough! I am excited to see how he does next year!


  3. I love TownPlace Suites! We stayed in one for 3 months one time when we went with my husband was on a business trip and it was always clean and it’s such a good amount of space with a big table for doing schoolwork. I’m so glad you were able to find one after the VRBO situation. How awful! The camp sounds wonderful and exhausting and so emotional. Even if it wasn’t all perfect it sounds like an absolutely amazing experience for you and for Wyatt.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s too bad about the performance but everything else was just what you both needed even if it was hard. I’m so happy you did it. Wyatt probably just wanted his dad and his own bed by then. But yeah – he was probably exhausted too. That’s a lot for anyone! Even mental exhaustion can make us feel physical drained. As you know. Way to go Wyatt and Erin!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: My Sunday-Monday Post – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

  6. I feel a little weird learning so much personal information about you and your son and husband, total strangers to me, but I’m also so grateful for the connection and this chance to bridge what would be an impossible gap in other points in time. Thank you for sharing your experience! I teared up a little reading about Wyatt’s joy singing Let it Go, and I’m so happy for you both to be able to make that memory. I wish you all the best.

    (yes, I know my name is attached to this comment already, but it felt more polite and normal to kind of sign off with an introduction. xD)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol!! Some posts I get way more personal than others. These RicStar ones I went for very open, for exactly the reason you mention. I like reading blogs to see how other people, different from me, live, and I feel like my blog can maybe show a totally different perspective as well. 🙂

      He sang that song like nobody’s business. I definitely teared up, and I continue to do so now just hearing it and remembering. Lol.

      Thank you for stopping by and reading about us, and your nice comments!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow. Now, that’s stressful life. I’m glad camp was a good (if exhausting and emotional) experience and glad you are planning to return. But that VRBO experience — what a way to kick things off. I’m glad you were able to find another place and fast. And also glad that Billy is much improved. One day at a time, right?


  8. Pingback: RicStar Music Camp! – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

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