Thursday Morning Coffee Catch Up

Hello everyone! The sun is shining and the temps aren’t predicted to be as intense today so I am excited. We have a busy day of just errands etc, since Billy is leaving us for the weekend for a guys camping trip. I am not sure how Billy going on a trip translates to more errands for me but..somehow it did. Hmmph. Lol.

It’s been a topsy-turvy week! Nothing bad, but not what I expected. Wyatt was supposed to have a 48 hour EEG this week, and I had been mentally preparing for this for a few weeks, as well as getting our things ready for the hospital stay. However, the point of the EEG was to attempt to treat Wyatt’s nighttime DEE-SWAS. DEE-SWAS is a rare form of epilepsy that creates spike-waves in his brain as he sleeps. There is not a lot known about it, and it is not usually an urgent matter unless the person is having developmental regressions, which Wyatt is thankfully not (and pray that he never does!) However, we had the option to try valium with him at night to see if it changed anything in a positive manner in Wyatt’s life, and at first we were all for it. Right now though, after the 6 weeks this kid has had adjusting to his new medicine dose of his normal medication, we wanted to give him a break from trying anything new. So when Billy called the EEG Monitoring Unit they said if we weren’t feeling like attempting the valium now, we could wait a few months and try then. So, we go now in September. I think it is the best decision for Wyatt although it threw me off a bit. I can be flexible and pivot, I really can! Lol.

Last weekend Billy and I actually had a date night! We just went out to dinner together, but it was so nice to just get out the two of us. It has been a very long time! We went to one of our favorite local burger places. It has a great vibe, lively, filled with music, and the walls are just covered in nostalgic photos and memorabilia from the owner’s life and from the area. He named the restaurant after his grandfather, and you can spot old family photos mixed in with the Detroit area posters and tchotchke. There are also nods to pop culture a well, like the Thriller album cover near the door, movie posters and so on. It is just a neat place. While we were there reruns from the original Scooby-Doo cartoon was playing, which was my favorite growing up! So I enjoyed that as well.

I had just a regular Joe slider, and Billy and I split fries. Billy also had a slider – and then let me eat most of this dessert, a brownie sundae. I can’t resist a brownie sundae.

I also splurged on some new things for myself this week, which frankly is not like me. But sometimes you just have to. I bought myself two new plants, an Alocasia Jacklyn and a new mini-Monstera. I also bought Applejack some new plants for her tank, which she loves. I am slowly redoing all of the lizard tanks and Applejack was first up. She loves it.

I also bought myself a few new tops, a pair of shorts, and a pair of loose comfy pants for summer. I wore the pants the other day and they are so comfy and cute that I am going to get another pair soon. I feel like I needed some summer clothes that are not just rough and tumble – you know, for instance if we go out for another date night, or have an appointment. They reminded me of Martha’s clothes a bit from Beyond Paradise, and I really like how she dresses, although it is impractical for me and my everyday (well except overalls, I do wear those). I don’t have a photo of me in them, but maybe next time I wear them I will have Billy take one. I also got the shirt in white as well as the green, and I plan on styling the pants and shorts with looser more casual tees, and the shirts with more casual shorts for the most part, because I like the juxtaposition of casual and more fitted together. I wore the pants the other day with a thrifted tee I bought a few years ago, that was blue and white striped and had my hair in braids, and Billy said I looked ready for the seashore.

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Shorts || Shirt || Pants

Wyatt and I also spent some time doing arts and crafts this week. We painted a collage of his favorite moments at music camp, and then designed little fairy homes that we want Billy to build to put outside. I also had some time to work on my corgi while Wyatt took his after- medicine naps.

All in all, it was a different week than I had planned for, but it was a very good week with lots of family time and down time. I think we probably really needed that after the go go go chaos of music camp! We also have had some disgusting weather, super high temps or severe storms or high humidity, so it was kind of an inside week anyway. Remind me, how many more weeks before cooler weather?

Just a few more random photos, including a crazy one of me. That is my snail headband to hold my hair back when getting ready lol. Billy says I am a goof, and I probably am.

And that is it from me this week! I hope that whatever you do today, you do something that makes you smile! (even if it is wearing a snail headband while you wash your face)

16 thoughts on “Thursday Morning Coffee Catch Up

  1. We’ve had an unpleasant heatwave for a few days – 80 degrees in your temps and high humidity, yuck! Fortunately it’s gone overnight with no storm, we have a lovely fresh breeze today and I have some clothes drying happily on the washing line in it! Love those new trousers, they look great. I have been wearing a flappy maxi skirt these few days to keep cool. All the dresses here at the moment seem so flouncy and frilly and that’s not me so I have been floating around in loose black clothes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a hard time with clothes, finding things that feel like me. I am a very casual person, and my life involves a lot of physical lifting, etc, with Wyatt and his wheelchair. So I don’t need a ton of “nice” clothes but sometimes I want to look nicer. Lol. But like you I am not into flouncy and frilly, which is the trend around here too. I like simple. And black! I have been venturing into other colors though – you know, like navy, gray, green, that is about it…. lolol

      Oh I would love to have a clothesline outside! And ew those temps!


  2. Joanne

    That sounds like a lovely week! I love the new clothes.. and had to remind myself that I don’t need any more! LOL. That shirt is so cute though and those pants look so comfy. Yay for a date night and a few new plants too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I look a complete fool in a headband because my hair is so thin it just sticks straight up!!! I’m glad your week turned out to one of peace and quiet (to a degree) and not what you had thought…yes, you can pivot! Do the drs think the valium will reduce or eliminate the seizures, and they will give it to him during the 48 hour EEG?

    Yay for date nights! We haven’t had one in a good long while. We used to go out every Wednesday to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Now, we get takeout and go to the park and sit. It’s not quite the same thing. But, that brownie sundae looks delicious!

    I’m glad you bought some new clothes, but those plants are so cool. I have a monstera that’s growing like crazy. I have other plants that are supposed to be so easy, and they seem to be just rotting away. I think it’s actually the pots they’re in.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Erin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This headband cracks me up and I love it. I am a dork. Lol.

      So they can’t say for sure! They said that there is a chance that the valium will quiet the spike wave activity, or there is a chance it does nothing at all. We were supposed to try it for 2 or 3 weeks and see if we noticed any changes. I just know this kid responds to meds like I do. I metabolize them fast and they hit me hard at first, and it does the same with Wyatt. We are going to try it eventually, but after a month of puking every morning I wanted to give his little body a break. 😦

      That brownie sundae was amazing! I haven’t had one in a long time and to say I devoured it would be an understatement. Lol. We like takeout in the park too! That is always fun.

      Thank you! I love them both. Lol. I have never seen the Jacklyn plant before. My friend Kelly told me that it used to be a plant that was hundreds of dollars! Don’t tell Lowe’s though, because I got it for $19.99.


  4. Gail Is This Mutton

    The snail head band is so fun! Your date night sounds great. I try to have some sort of date once a month, exhibition and lunch usually, but as I’ve been with the hubster on holiday I guess that counts as a looong date!


  5. I’m happy to read that your son is OK. Your date night sounds like fun. I love going to small places that are locally owned — the connections are the best.

    The snail headband made me laugh — I’d totally wear something like that to keep my hair back.


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