RicStar Music Camp!

Monday morning we headed to Lansing for Wyatt’s second year at the RicStar Music Therapy Camp. Last year Wyatt had mixed feelings about the experience, but there were some challenges thrown in our path last year as well. Wyatt was being weaned off of a medication that was making him a bit grumpier and more lethargic, he was away from his home, and with just me, since Billy had to stay home due to a kidney stone hospitalization. Then Wyatt was thrown into an experience he had never encountered before. It was a lot for him. He had a good time and made some really good gains from his time at camp last summer, but it was a struggle. I remember at the end of camp last year, Billy was free of the hospital and was able to make the final concert and when I saw him in the parking lot I just sobbed. It was relief and also exhaustion from a very emotional week for me, and for Wyatt. This year though, Billy was able to go, and Wyatt’s new medicine is a much better one for him (despite his occasional barf from nausea…)

When we walked in, Wyatt was met with smiles and warm welcoming greetings of “Hello Wyatt!” from the staff. We were whisked right into the ensemble room where Wyatt was assigned to green group, and just like that, music therapy camp was in full swing! I’m not going to lie, entry was rough for Wyatt. He cried the first two hours, threw up at lunch, but then rallied in the afternoon. He is the toughest kid, I swear. I think all of us were a little done in that first day (although I have to admit, the therapy dogs helped me through the day..) After the long drive, the early hour, Wyatt being so upset, the throwing up… we were ready to crash in our hotel room by the time camp ended that day and just veg out. And the heat! Did I mention Michigan is having a heat wave with excessive temps? We walked outside and were blasted by the flames of the sun, I am pretty sure. Lol. So we were more than ready to grab some food and just chill. Which we did.

Day two we were able to relax a bit and have a good breakfast before heading the short distance to camp. And day two was awesome. Wyatt had a blast. I cannot say this loud enough, because my momma heart was so happy. He was just so excited to be there, he was participating, he was having fun and exploring and playing and just was a part of the entire thing. Up until day two, I wasn’t sure if I had made the right choice in enrolling him again after such a rollercoaster of a time last year. I went for it anyway, since circumstances were different this year, and I am so glad that I did because this experience was so good for him, in so many ways. I saw such progress in Wyatt, how he has matured, in his interactions with other people, with being there and trying new things. He showed everyone there his personality which is huge and full of joy. I always say I call him my sunshine boy because he brings the sun wherever he goes, and this year he was full of that sun. He really liked the keyboard this year, and also surprisingly, the triangle. It was super cute that he liked the triangle, and I actually had to order one since he wanted to take the one home that he was playing.

I would like to say that we spent our last day exploring Lansing, but that was not the case. Our tired little family headed back to the hotel, where Wyatt and his dad went to the little hotel store and bought a bunch of goodies, including ice cream – Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food, which the three of us split while watching YouTube.

Day three was just as fun. Wyatt was so happy to be there. I loved that he was trying new things, unafraid, and just going for it. However, we did have to stop for a little disco nap. The entire time we were there the medicine nausea was bothering him again, right on schedule, around lunchtime. I don’t know if it was just because he was off schedule, off his routine, or what, but we would just work around it because that is what this camp does. It normalizes everything that makes our kids feel different and other in typical situations. Where in some settings Wyatt would maybe be stared at or questioned, here it was just part of another day. The camp provides everything you can think of you might need to accommodate every camper, and it just feels natural and makes me wish all situations and settings were like this. It felt freeing for me and for Billy, and if we felt that way, Wyatt must have felt it a hundred times over. It was just…acceptance. A perfect cocoon of acceptance.

The last day, Day 3, is also the big showcase where the campers all perform with their groups and parents and friends and family are invited to attend. This year Wyatt’s group was performing the Pink Panther Theme song, and Wyatt got to kick things off, with a solo on the triangle. He was adorable! Every kid did so well and you could see the pride and the joy on all of their faces.

This week was full of music. It was also full of ear to ear grins, laughter, joy, that good kind of tired, learning, exploration, and fun. We returned home exhausted (except Wyatt who took a loooonnggg nap in the car on the way home) but all ready to do it again next year. We can’t wait!

If you want to read about our adventures from last year, click here and here!

14 thoughts on “RicStar Music Camp!

  1. Yay for camp! I’m so glad it went well and that Wyatt recovered. Isn’t it joyful to see the growth in your child? A year isn’t that long — and yet it’s huge! I loved every photo and just shared this link with my friend Judy (who couldn’t be there — they were away with the film) and Cindy, the director. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Jeanie for telling me about this camp. It has been such an amazing place and space for Wyatt, both years. It was Every staff member and volunteer is just so kind and authentic and compassionate.

      It was amazing to see the changes in Wyatt from last year to this year!

      And thank you!!


  2. I am so glad Wyatt enjoyed camp this year. Music is such an amazing thing, isn’t it? I love all the photos and videos of Wyatt! He really looks like he’s having the time of his life. And, the camp sounds amazing with the way the accommodate everyone. You might think about sending a copy of this post to them so they can have it as a testimonial.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really is. It heals, it brings together, it brings joy. This was just a beautiful experience this year.

      We learned about this camp from Jeanie from the blog Marmalade Gypsy. She commented up there. She is friends with the woman who created this whole event, Judy Winter, whose son had Cerebral Palsy and was a big music lover and a talented composer. There is also a movie documentary out as well about it! https://www.judywinter.com/camp-ricstar-film-documentary/ Jeanie emailed my post to Judy and to the camp director, Cindy, as well. 🙂


  3. Pingback: My Sunday-Monday Post – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

  4. I’m so glad the camp went so well for Wyatt! That’s so wonderful. Not going to lie – therapy dogs totally got me through Will’s treatment. They were way more for me than him! Love the pictures! He looks so happy and excited.


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