My Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

So, the clouds outside are gathering and dark, the wind is picking up, and storms are on the way. Chores are done for the night, I have some Ginger Turmeric Tea next to me on the table (although tonight I wish it was wine!) and I thought this would be the perfect time to write this post!

I’ve seen this around on BookTube and by other book content creators and thought it sounded fun!

Is it just me or does it sort of remind you of those senior superlatives in high school?

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2024

Hands down, the best book that I have read so far this year.

2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2024

This book was such a fantastic follow up to the first in the series, Gladwynn Grant Gets Her Footing by Lisa Howeler. I love Gladwynn and her vintage style, as well as the homeschooling mom who is also the barista. Such a fun series!

3. New release you haven’t read yet but want to.

I love this series set in Northern Michigan in one of my favorite places in my home state, the Traverse City area. I need to pick it up – it looks like the perfect summer read!

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.

I absolutely loved The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches and I can’t wait for this new book to come out! And I have to wait all the way until December!!

5. Biggest disappointment.

The Darling Buds of May. Loved the show, did not like the book. At all. That has never happened to me before! I do love this cover though.

6. Biggest surprise.

I received The Magic All Around from the publisher and I didn’t know much about it prior to reading it. However, once I picked it up I could barely put it down. It was so good, I could not stop reading it.

7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you)

I am late to the party on Sager, and I wish I had picked up his books sooner! I just finished The Last Time I Lied today and again, it was another book I could not stop reading. It was crazy good, and had so many twists and turns! I can’t wait to read another of his books!

8. Newest fictional crush.

I wouldn’t say crush but I would definitely like to hang out with Tress and talk about her adventures and see her cups.

9. Newest favorite character.

See above.

10. Book that made you cry.

Of course it is a middle grade. I loved this book! I had never heard of it honestly when I picked it up at a used book sale, I just thought it looked neat, with that cute little house and the tree. And it was a cute little book…with the exception of the part that made me cry!! It was the loss of an animal friend that did it, of course.

11. Book that made you happy.

Another middle grade! I one hundred percent adored this book, and while it gave me some anxiety, it ended up all working out and just left me with the warm fuzzies.

12. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received)

It’s a tie for me on this one. I just love love love that cover of Watership Down and I was so happy that Billy and Wyatt got it for me, but then that cover of Tress is fire.

And there you have it! My Mid-Year Book Freakout. How would you answer some of these questions?

11 thoughts on “My Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

  1. You know I’m going to steal this idea from you. Ha! Loved it.

    I felt the same about Miracles on Maple Hill. Loved that one and that I read it during Maple Syrup season. Perfect timing.

    The Darling Buds of May was ….weird. I have to agree there. It was just …. yeah….

    I have never heard of Kildee House but now it is on my wish list.

    And you did not have to name my book but thank you!! That was so sweet of you! (You’re payment is in the mail *wink*)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol well I was just following the trend that I saw!

      It was such a perfect read, at the perfect time.

      Yeah… the Darling Buds of May was just gross. I actually hated it.

      I loved Kildee House but like I said, it has its moments! I really enjoyed it though.

      LOL!! Well, it was my favorite sequel that I read this year!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Joanne

    What a fun little Q&A about books! I’ve only bought one book I can remember this year so the last one would be easy to answer (This Summer Will be Different– and it does have a pretty sunset swirl of colors on it’s cover)… but some of these other categories would be harder to pin down.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Joanne! I thought it seemed like a fun little thing too! I usually never buy books but this year I have bought a few more than normal. Not too many though. This was interesting to write, a nice look back at what I have read this year.


  3. I have The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches on my TBR, and I didn’t know there was a sequel coming out! I guess I’m reading it in December so I can binge. 😉 Tress of the Emerald Sea sounds right up my alley too, and I’m hoping it’ll be the book that finally gets me into Brandon Sanderson!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: My Sunday-Monday Post – Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs..

  5. I love this tag! What You’re Looking for is in the Library was one of my favorite books last year. I absolutely loved it and am so glad to see it on your favorites. I’m on the waitlist for a Riley Sager and I can’t wait. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to read any of his books. I haven’t read or seen The Darling Buds of May but I had similar feelings about Mary Poppins – loved the movie/hated the book. I’m so excited for A Witch’s Guide to Magical Innkeeping as well. I loved the first book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved it so much. Just everything about it. I feel the same about Riley Sagar. Like why haven’t I read him before now? I don’t get it. LOL.

      Oh wow really? I have never read Mary Poppins! I love the movie though so maybe it is ok I have never read it.

      I know, I can’t wait!!!


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